Top Attractions in the City of Muscat, Oman

The Royal City of Muscat is the capital of Sultanate of Oman. Oman is one of the most famous Arab Countries located on the...


Are you a student who's curious to plan a trip for the long weekend? Or are you a family person who's planning a peaceful...


It is termed to be the bond of blood or marriage which binds people together and makes them live together. A man is never...

Feel more relaxed in less than 5 minutes!

What is stress? How do people define stress? Are you amongst those 45 million people who claim that they stay more stressed all day...


Marriage is a universal social institution which has been established by human society to control and regulate one man's sexual life. Marriage has been...

Shivani Vispute

Upcoming blogger/writer, lives in today, loves reading and keeps herself well aware of the current happenings around the globe . Currently persuing B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from one of the renouned colleges of India (VIT vellore) Have a background of all rounder elocution. Keen learner, available round the globe for her readers to hear from them.