Way to dreams

Way to dreams

Do you know why should we never stop dreaming? Because dreams bring motive with them, the motive of our lives, the motive to live. They give us motivation to move our steps in the direction that make our walk longer on that particular path and in making it, the meaningful stroll of our life.

Dreams are the very first step in the ladder of success. It is that beautiful scenario that once, we assumed to be the part of our beautiful lives. Sometimes more than an assumption it become the truth, that reality of our life that we enjoy living with.

For some, it makes their lives and for some, it waste their time. It can make your lives but it can never waste your time as when you start dreaming, we always have that dreams that either we haven’t do  in life or we are going through the process of achieving that. It fills your eyes  with the confidence that you can do it and believe me you can. Dream to make your time as well as life worthy.

“Dream for being loved, dream for being successful, dream for being the most powerful voice, dream to be yourself and dream to be for others”.

Dreams are like blue everlasting sky, they have no end. No end for those who keep enough strength to stand up again and again, if they lose their balance in the way to their dreams and fell down, for those who cannot give up, for those who are the fighter.

Way to dreamsThe most important if you think that after seeing a dream your job is over, then I am sorry, you are highly mistaken my friend. For seeing a dream your eyes must be enough powerful which sees your success as well as ready to see you falling down at the same time. Your thoughts must be enough dreadful that it can’t change-up your mind when you feel low. Your words must be enough powerful that fight for their right and your steps must be enough benevolent that they can’t lance at the time of action.

The path to your dreams may not be easy, may it has failures, may be at times it makes your life more difficult but always remember:

“To choose a path is not difficult, but to walk on that path till last is more difficult, sometimes it ask you for sacrifices but at last,on reaching that destination that happiness makes you forget all that hard times in that one moment”.

Make yourself enough visionary, enough capable that you can see your dreams changing into reality. Dream it. Do it. Believe it. Believe in yourself, believe in your dreams. To do great, dream great. But never stop dreaming . We all have dreams. But to make it perceptibly, we have to make dreadful effort of self-discipline and determination.

Somebody has rightly said:

” Every great dream begin with dreamer. Always remember you have within the strength patience and passion to reach for the stars to change the world “.


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