Suicide- Is that even an Option?

The most ubiquitous news that we hear nowadays is about the teen who under parental pressure, due to humiliation by the school authority, because...


An Undying Quest For all time dark and light, Even if the endeavor speaks of pertinacious travails, The ray of hope will not be far out of...

Dad, You’ve always been our SuperHero

Dearest DAD, Cherished and adored by the world, Extolled by peers, Possessing the magical smile, You’ve procured the copious achievements after plodding that mile. Gifted with that placating voice, Discreet...


A Solider Dream For Peace Cogitating the remnant horrors on diving back to the past, The scintillating and indelible images that the battles always cast. A soldier...

Khushbu Kirti

I'm currently pursuing English Honours from the University Of Delhi. I am a passionate writer, a keen dancer and an avid thinker. I believe that poetry is one of the most puissant weapons.