Kailash Manasarovar - Mount Kailash Navel of the earth

Kailash Manasarovar – Mount Kailash Navel of the earth

Mount Kailash and Lake Manasarovar situated to the north of the Himalayan barrier in Tibet. Every year thousands of devotees initiate the fearful tour through the mountains and plains of Nepal and China to reach this fearful place in Tibet. Yatra is popularly known in the world for their religious value, perfect natural beauty, cultural implication and fictitious importance. There is two major way to begin the journey. Lake Manasarovar has a circumference of 110 km.

starting the journey of Kailash Manasarovar

   It can starts first from Lipulekh Pass in Uttarakhand, while the next one initiate from Nathu La Pass in Sikkim. Yet, all hiker must get a former health check-up done at New Delhi, the reconciliation for which is grant by the Government itself along with free meals. Certain criteria are there for someone to chosen for the Kailash Manasarovar Yatra. Firstly we need to be an Indian citizen with a valid Indian passport of at least months. And also needs to be physically fitted without any major health infirmity and a BMI of 25 or less. People who are below the age of 18 and above 70 cannot feasible for the yatra.

Kailash ManasarovarUnconversant hiker, on the other hand, could take anywhere up to 3 days. It takes in hiker at high altitudes of up to 19,500 feet, under adverse conditions, including extreme cold and craggy turf. Hindus view Mount Kailash as the earthly indication of Mount Meru, the devotional center of the universe. On Mount Meru is located Swarga, according to Hindu mythology.

According to Hindu mythology, the Manasarovar Lake was first created in the mind of the Lord Brahma. Yet, in Sanskrit, it is called “Manasarovar”, which is a consolidation of the words Manas and Sarovar.

ManasarovarThe lake, in Hindu lore, is also alleged to be the summer abode of swans, who are considered as very wise and spiritual water birds. It is also regarding the Devas descend to bathe in the lake between 3 and 5 A.M the time of the day known as Brahma Muhurta, Brahma felicitous time.

A spiritual place for not just the Hindus, but for the Buddhists, Jains and Bons too. For Hindus, Mount Kailash is the residence of Lord Shiva. For Buddhists, the place is an apotheosis of Lord Buddha. Adinath, the first Jain saint acknowledge his emancipation at this place. For the Bons, their saint Shenrad is said to have move down on this very peak.

The main entrance in Kailash (Manasarovar) to enter Border of China and China to Tibet from this route many devotees are seen each year come from India and Western country in Nepal to begin its journey. The main advantageous season to visit Mount Kailash is June – August. Many another place to see in Kailash Manasarovar Yatra are, to See Gauri Kund at 5608 m, also called the Lake of compassion as referred to in the Shiva Purana this is the setting for the legend of Parvati and how Ganesh acquired his elephant head bathing in the emerald waters of the kund.

Kailash Manasarovar

Most Hindus adoration the place as the adobe of Lord Shiva. The region also holds immense importance for the Jain and Buddhist religions. Being a place of great power and value, thousands of people begin the unreliable and harsh trekking through the mountains and plains of Nepal and China (Tibet) to reach this spiritual land.

A dip in the divine waters of Manasarovar is said to remove your sins from the last 7 births. Hence, each year Hindus from all over the world decide to come here at least once in their lifetime. Gauri Kund -The Lake of empathy where Goddess Parvati used to bath. If you happen to hike to the Manasarovar Lake in future, don’t forget to visit Gauri Kund- a group of 5 natural small basins with emerald green water.  The mesmerizing tour makes you hike at a height of 19,500 feet under unfavorable conditions.

Trekking up to Mount. Kailash and Manasarovar take you through some of the most beautiful spots you have perhaps ever come across. It is a journey to places devoid of any noise of modern day life, through places where only love and peace prevails. So, if you’re physically not feasible or have faced breathing difficulties before, you’re requested not to go on this tour. The Government of India, quit commonly and doesn’t take any responsibility for your illness of health during the journey.

Kailash Manasarovar

It will be not easy to tour Manasarovar, It costs anywhere between Rupee. 1.5 – Rupee. 1.7 lakhs for a single round trip. For shortening the duration there are travel agents who plan Kailash Manasarovar Yatra tours, they are on a different way than the once conducted by the Ministry of External Affairs. There are also helicopter tours granted by travel agents.


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