More than just LOVE

More than just LOVE

When we talk about LOVE, the first thing that comes to our mind is our partner. But LOVE has other meanings attached to it too.

Remember how your Mom was worried when you called in sick and she kept checking on you that whole day and night? She helped you deal with all your problems. She taught you to be best at what you like. She made all your favorite dishes when you asked for. She  called you 10 times to check if you had your food or not.  That’s More than just LOVE

love-father-photoRemember how your Dad motivated you to follow your passion without any fear and that he will handle everything that will come on your way? He taught you to be brave. He solved all your math problems. He even convinced mom when you wanted to go out for some party. He spent his money for your education and hobbies. That’s More than just LOVE

how-to-deal-with-grandparents-who-spoil-your-childrenRemember how your grandfather and grandmother took you out for a stroll and bought every chocolate you demanded on the way for you? They told you stories from their generation and showed how different their time was. They answered all your silly questions, even though you got pissed when they asked you how to use a certain application on their cellphones. That’s More than just LOVE

More than just LOVERemember how siblings made fun of you at one moment and then took a stand for you when everybody else started making fun of you the very next moment? They will fight with you every now and then but you do not know how much they miss you when you go for a short school trip. You can share your secrets with them without a second thought. That’s More than just LOVE

More than just LOVERemember how your pet came running towards you and started to wag his tail so that you caress him? You shouted at him when you were angry and he still came back to love you unconditionally. He would not eat his food until you make him eat with your own hands, he will wait for you. That’s More than just LOVE

Remember how your friend saved you from getting debarred? When you looked like a joker, he became a joker too, to save you from the embarrassment. He faced and tolerated all your tantrums. He found solutions to all of your problems- from having a crush or a situation in your love life to deciding clothes for your date to convince your parents for a night out, everything. He’s there for you always. That’s More than just LOVE

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